NBA 2K20 Free Download GOG PC Games DMG Repacks For MAC OS X With Latest. Here’s hoping Bill Murray gets added at a later date as a late game substitution. The NBA 2K Modding Society is a rich, diverse community built by and for some. If you want to recreate Space Jam on your own, you’ll need a copy of NBA 2K14 on the PC and the mod which you can find here. It’s at times horrific, but it’s mostly funny.
That’s why all the Looney Tunes characters are freakishly tall while the faces are just grafted onto player faces that were already in the game. The fun thing about the mod is that it has to work within the confines of the game’s engine. With the mod, you can relive that classic game that pitted the Toon Squad versus the Monstars sans Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. MGX, a modder on the NBA 2K series of games, has released a Space Jam mod that adds the characters from the classic Michael Jordan/Looney Tunes crossover to the game. Most aren’t exactly newsworthy, but they are when every child’s favorite basketball movie from the 90s is involved. NBA 2K14 isn’t a game you’d normally associate with mods, but the PC version gets mods nonetheless.