You can see a full list of ships available on the Official Wiki. The latest version of the mod, Star Trek: Armada III – A Call to Arms, includes new random events, new planetary systems, overhauled research trees, and more. Players will be able to control five different factions, including the Borg Collective, The Klingon Empire, and the United Federation of Planets. The mod starts at the beginning of the Dominion War and allows players to fight for control of the Galaxy. ST:A3 was designed to be a successor to Star Trek: Armada, the video game series. Gamepedia is proud to present the Official Star Trek: Armada III Wiki, your source for learning more about the mod and sharing your mod-related information. The mod received ModDB’s Player’s Choice Mod of the Year award in 2014, and it is referred to as one of the best Star Trek mods in existence.
Experience Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion in a new light with Star Trek: Armada III, a mod that transports players into the Star Trek universe around the time of the Dominion War.